Thursday, August 15, 2013

What do I have in common with this turkey?

Just got word that I"m not "surging". This mean that though I have a 23mm follicle, my body hasn't decided its time to have a Lutinizing hormone "surge" which would tell the follicle to get the hell out of the ovary. So tonight I take the plunge. Almost literally. I (or more likely my husband) will inject something called Ovidrel into my stomach via syringe. It will do what my body is too uncoordinated to do on its own. It will tell the follicle to finish ripening and emerge.

Then hubby gets to jizz in a cup....
Then in two days hubby gets to jizz in a cup in the doctors office and I get a nice turkey baster up the hoo-hah and gods willing we'll make a baby.

I"m the turkey in this scenario
This is so unromantic and unsexy it is hard to believe so many people do it. Then again, people poo in each other's mouths for pleasure so I guess this isn't so bad. But it's seriously unfair like so much else. 

I get to lay on a cold table naked from the waste down with my feet in stirrups and have a stranger shove a cold metal speculum inside me. Then the doc will use a catheter to  inject the "specimen". I get the speculum...

HE gets to have an orgasm!

How is this fair?

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