Thursday, February 19, 2015

The month that wasn't.

I looked over the calendar today and it was quite a shock.
Lavender - me
Periwinkle Blue - DD
Pale Blue - DS
Black - the Hubs.

January 10th we went to a local children's museum with friends for their son's birthday. It was the only public place we'd been for days. Somehow, out of our whole group, I got the flu. At least this time I kind of knew what it was and didn't wait to try to get over it myself I went and got tested and got some Tamiflu but strangely in a flu season that has been fraught with ineffective vaccines and strong strains I got lucky. Well, as lucky as someone who has contracted the flu 3 out the last 4 years can be. I was over it quickly but weakened for several days after as serious illness tends to do.

I came down with it Tuesday night the 13th but by Saturday the 17th I was pretty much back to normal, albeit easily tired. Sunday, the 18th we visited the home of a friend where my children were exposed to chicken pox. I had a couple of days that week, still a little sniffly, still tiring easily and then Saturday the 24th at my brother-in-law's birthday party I fell asleep on the bed in the guest room under a pile of coats. Sunday I was full on sick again. It slowly became harder and harder to deny as I forced my way through my last Hypnobabies class with my current group. My head a solid block of wool and yet snot poured out of my nose like a hot spring from hell. I was sick all week but by Thursday, thanks to some help from some homeschool mom friends who took pity on me and shuttled my kids around for an afternoon so I could go home and nap - I was able to get to work that night and was on the mend by Friday.

Thursday night we noticed some small red spots on my daughter.... Chicken pox FTW! She was under quarantine until the 2nd when all the pox had crusted over and she'd had no signs of sickness for a few days....then my son exploded with pox as well.  He had it much worse than she did and had a fever and sickness to accompany it. Friday night my husband came home from work sick and spent the weekend in bed. Tristan also became really sick again over the weekend with fever and vomitting and lots of head cold symptoms and still had active pox blisters. Wednesday I thought we'd be able to resume normal life - or at least leave the house. Then my daughter came down with whatever my son had - fever again and vomit and snot again.

We've now been illness free for 5 days and during that time ALL OF OUR HOMESCHOOL ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!

Because the universe really likes to drive its point home when it says "FUCK YOU".

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